Black Friday is the ultimate playground for the impulse shopper, who finally feels free to unleash his inner child and run wild and indulge in purchases of products long wanted or products never needed. Whatever the scenario, there is one underlying universal truth. Black Friday, followed by Cyber Monday, are the two days were traffic on your site peaks and sales soar.
Nevertheless, your competitor is only a click away. With only a limited number of days of “playground” access, you need to ensure that your content drives viewers onto your page and induces them to buy your product.
To reap the 2020 Black Friday-Cyber Monday frenzy rewards, we have put together a list of 13 Unique Black Friday Content Ideas. All of these ideas are budget-friendly, and you can start implementing them now to increase your sales.
1. Keep Your Buyers on Their Toes
In order to keep your buyers on their toes, keep them alert, and entice them to keep coming back to your online store, implement the “A Deal An Hour” principle. Having an hourly deal (or every two or three hours) is an excellent way to encourage spending and arouse interest by keeping each new deal a surprise. This forces your customers to keep coming back to discover what the new deal is. With each recurrent visit, their online basket will get fuller and your wallet richer.
2. Create a Seamless Buying Experience With Gift Guides
Ah! The beauty of gift guides! What a brilliant idea indeed. Suppose you are an impulse shopper, and you want to buy all your Xmas gifts on Black Friday to get it over and done with. You need to buy a gift for your darling mother-in-law (or not), your kid’s teacher, your nephew, your significant another half, your friends, your best friend, etc. The list is endless. Everybody who has been good or nice gets on your shopping list. But where do you even begin? Enter gift guides. “Gifts for teachers,” “Gifts for the teenage boy,” “Gifts for Him,” “Wine Enthusiast Gifts,” etc. Customize these gift guides with a price range, and you are on your way to success (because who wants to spend too much money on their monster mother-in-law?).
3. Entice Them With a Free Gift
Humans are fairly predictable when it comes to their buying habits, especially their purchasing frenzy during Black Friday. With so many discounts available on similar rival products, how do you ensure that your product is the one that gets picked? By adding a free gift with each purchase, of course! Especially if your frenzied customer is checking gifts off his Xmas presents’ list, a free gift is like a red neon sign drawing attention. Because let’s face it. Nothing makes spending for others easier when said spending yields a little bonus gift for yourself.
4. Free Shipping
I admit it. Nothing puts me off buying something more than high shipping costs do. But for the sake of argument, let us assume that you own an online retail store and offer free shipping during Black Friday sales? Yeap, I am sold. As I am sure, numerous other frenzied buyers will.
5. Tantalize Them With A Sneak Preview Of Coming Attractions
Perhaps one of the easiest ways to draw customers is to create a teaser video of all the amazing products that will be on sale this Black Friday. Post this video on all your social media accounts and create anticipation for this big day! Why not add a timer counting the days till Black Friday as well? This will get people even more anxious to visit your store and fill their baskets.
6. Make The Black Friday Experience More Interactive
Make your customers’ experience more interactive and add a little pizzaz to your marketing strategy with the element of surprise. Incorporate scratch cards, magic roulette spinnings, wheel of fortune, or peel it offers and hook your customers on your site and encourage them to spend. We all hide a little gambler inside us. All things considered, what a better way to harness the power of this adrenaline spike “addiction” with interactive tools that allow your customers to buy and win at the same time.
7. Make Rampant Spending Feel Better By Donating To A Charity
Attract that conscientious buyer who feels a little bit of guilt by the materialism inherent in Black Friday sales by offering to donate part of your earnings to a charity of their choosing. Granted, this takes away money directly from your pocket rather than the buyer’s pocket, but it paints you in a positive light. As a result, a client will be more inclined to do business with you than your competitor. If buying makes you feel good by doing something right, you will be more likely to buy and indulge in guilt-free frenzied purchases.
8. Make Your Loyal Customers Feel Valued
Show your customers that you value them by offering an exclusive VIP discount during the Black Friday weekend. This will likely result in brand loyalty for those new customers and repeat purchases throughout the year for your existing customers. Show that you care and appreciate their loyalty by creating a special Facebook event or a Landing page, informing them of special VIP discounts. As an added bonus, you can offer your VIP customers exclusive access to early Black Friday sales.
9. Extend Your Sales Till Cyber Tuesday
Yeap. This one is quite straightforward. The more time customers will have to browse your products and your special offers, the more they will buy. Extent your sales till Cyber Tuesday and reap the benefits of this extra day.
10. Reach Out To Previous Customers Via Email
Now is the time to find your email list and use it. Send a coupon to all your previous customers or send out an extra discount code. If they are on your email list, it means they are already familiar with your brand, so reaching out to them will bring them back to buy again. Entice them with a coupon or extra discount, and sales are guaranteed.
11. Grab Their Attention With New Products
Buyers like to browse through your online catalogs and view your products even when they have no intention of buying. Chances are your customers will already be familiar with your products before Black Friday arrives. Unless they have spotted a particular product that they want to buy on the big discount day, they will not revisit your site and spend precious time on it on this important day where each minute counts. Unless, of course, you promise to add new products on Black Friday and have exclusive sales for the said products.
12. Use The Influencers
Reach out to your target market’s influencers. Offer free products in return for some promotion of your brand. It may not be free, but it is undoubtedly cheaper than paid ads. Needless to mention that influencers are by far more effective in increasing your sales than all the ads put together, as well.
13. Increase Your Spending
Ok, this final idea may not be entirely on a budget, but it can be if you choose to allocate your spending wisely. Cut back on your ads’ expenditures at the beginning of fall and save that extra money to boost your advertisements and paid exposure right before Black Friday. Trust me, it will work like a charm, with no overall additional expenses.
